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The Science Of Pain And Treatment Concepts: Part 3 of 3

By |2022-09-07T14:30:02-07:00September 7, 2022|Education, For Clinicians|

Americans consume a large majority of the world’s opioids. Approximately 80% of the global opioid supply is consumed in the United States, a country that represents a mere 5% of the global population. There were approximately 300 million pain prescriptions written [...]

You are NOT your MRI – MRIs for Low Back Pain

By |2022-09-07T06:40:05-07:00September 7, 2022|Education, For Clinicians, Low Back|

Mike had the unique opportunity to spend 4 months treating in China. Sadly, the people there have an extremely low level of education and understanding of their health. Every day in the clinic, we battled not just construed cultural enigmas, [...]
